To become a farmer, you need to go to the Job Center (below).
Talk to the receptionist and tell them you want to [ Find a new job ].
In the list they offer, ask to [ See more ] and tell them "[ I want to become a farmer ]".
Once you've joined your dream job, you have two options to start your work:
● Buy your seeds from the farmer or a food company.
A company will sell seeds much cheaper.
● Search for seeds in a field
Only if you are employed by a food company.
For agriculture, you need to rent a greenhouse to work on your plantations away from prying eyes. (Use the Tab menu to rent the greenhouse)
You can also use fields, such as those shown below:
To plant seeds, go to your inventory, pick up a seed, and use the Tab menu to plant it.
You'll see your plants grow gradually. Then wait until the harvest option appears to press space and collect your resource.
You can sell these resources to a company or process them at the food factory if you are part of a company.
Feeling hungry in the field? You can eat salads to satisfy your hunger.
Plant lettuces and eat them, but remember to take water bottles or soda.